
What are you here to explore?
Do you wonder about this? It's what I've spent most of my life wondering and the most insightful responses have come through my studies of astrology, particularly Traditional Astrology rooted in the Hellenistic time period.

Photo by: Lexi Bird Photography
Let's have a meaningful conversation about your individual birth chart.
Book your Astrology Reading with Marjorie
I'm magnetically drawn to the study of what lies within. Astrologer, Erin Sullivan, referred to the birth chart as "Your personal mandala, offering a clear indication of your center and where you're offering from."
When I choose a doctor or hire a professional, I often ask them why they do the work that they do, and I'm always looking for passion as the answer.
Why am I dedicating years of my life to the quiet studying, endless pondering and intimate sharing of these ancient astrological techniques?
I can't imagine my life otherwise. I feel compelled to follow these symbols down paths of winding allure and rearranging my existing thoughts to accommodate all that ancient astrology offers.
I'm elated to be your guide and your companion as we step into the mystery of your individual mandala and remember what it is you are here to explore while increasing awareness of patterns, challenges and resources you have in your toolbelt.
Part of my inner resource supply is natural curiosity and appreciation of beauty and excellence. My style is exploratory, welcoming of emotional depth yet also silly. I'm honored to share my resources with you as we discuss your individual path and awaken your unique inner knowing.
Book your Astrology Reading with Marjorie

Disclaimer: By using this website + all related services (including but not limited to readings, workshops and events), you agree and understand that this is for entertainment purposes. That you are receiving astrological counsel and if you require medical, financial or legal advice, you should seek that elsewhere. I am not a doctor, lawyer or financial adviser nor do I claim to be.