Be the lighthouse.

Upcoming Workshop: Astrology for Creatives

I'm so excited to bring my new workshop to life! DARE to be INSPIRED!

This event is something I've been crafting for years and it has molded itself into a fun, exploratory session which weaves together the ancient wisdom of astrology with practical personal application.

What are your creative superpowers? Perhaps you paint, write, cook, teach, innovate or design. This is for you. Perhaps you don't perceive yourself as creative. I'd challenge that and invite you in. This is a space for all.

Both new and seasoned students of astrology will derive meaning from chart examples and discussions on the benefits of knowing our charts. 

This workshop is for you if you're looking to connect with your innate skillset for creative flow.

This workshop is for you if you're someone looking for new creative insights by looking within yourself. 

I'm honored to bring this offering to you and can't wait to explore the intersection of astrology, creativity and introspection with you!

If you dare to be inspired...register here


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