Begin to take note of what continues to find you. Observe with intent and notice how the presence of these small appearances can bring comfort and offer direction.
Looking skillfully at a birthchart, we can interpret skills and weaknesses. An astrologer can translate potential tendencies alongside inherent conflicts and tensions. Next we must ask ourselves: Should we follow the current of natal promise? Why or why not?
It seems as if we all feel stuck in our life path or with the choices we've made at some point or even periodically. Limits and boundaries of time, energy and resources surround us. The freedom we seek, that we perceive to be on the other side of that "stuckness" lies in gratitude and solitude for me. I've been actively working towards accepting my limitations for years now. Still very much a work in progress.
Patterns and themes perpetually emerge. Every small decision we make in reaction to those patterns and themes that emerge builds our life. Our lives then build this chapter in history.
How do you choose to contribute?You are more than this moment.