Be the lighthouse.

Road Trip Recap: Day 2 (Lake Placid, NY)


Sean walks to Starbucks and we drink it out front of our room on the lawn facing Mirror Lake. (Fun fact: The lake in Lake Placid is actually called Mirror Lake. Lake Placid is nearby.)

Then he kayaks while I sit and watch with the kids asleep on the other side of the patio door. My kind of morning bliss - alone with a coffee and everyone is occupied. 

This is going to be an adventure day as long as the sky cooperates. 

We find our way to Mt Van Hoevenberg, an Olympic training complex, to ride their Cliffside Coaster and zoomed along the 1980 bobsled track with turns that felt a little to sharp and twisty for my comfort level! 

I agreed to ride once. Somehow we had a family meeting and came to a negotiation to ride once more. When I got to the bottom the second time, I received word that Sean and Brady's cart stopped so we get to go around yet again for free this time. Eek! 

Sean said, "These old bones can only take one more." That was funny.

People got hungry, people got cranky. We were going to the High Falls Gorge next and the website boasted about their café. "Let's eat there," I said.

Upon arrival, the underwhelming teen at the counter informed us that the café was closed that day. The gift shop however, came through and we feasted on a lunch of beef jerky, roasted pecans, trail mix and Pirate's Booty. It was exquisite. 

As we dined, the sky opened and the rain came down in fat drops. We watched people scurry towards the gift shop as we shoveled way too sugary pecans in our mouths. 

We hiked the Gorge and frowned at all the construction but still were able to marvel at the power of the gushing water. 

Back at the hotel we had some rum punch and I fell in the pool after I said I didn't want to go in. Everyone laughed (with me not at me) and I watched Meadow do her "mermaid impression" 47 times. 

Dinner at the hotel deck overlooking the lake was fun and that is the night "courage dollars" were invented. More on that later.

Meadow and Sean went to the game room to play pool and I went to bed while Brady caught up on Minecraft videos.

Earlier that day a large group of New Yorkers arrived taking up multiple rooms next to ours. The teen boys took over the lawn playing football. It was cute (oh look, they're having fun!) until the kept hitting our patio door when I went to bed. 

I slid open the door to peek out and see all the adults sitting in chairs and their heads swivel to me. I was in serious mom mode. 

One of the adults kindly says to me, "Did they hit your door?" 

"Yeah, a few times."

"I'm sorry!" They say to me. Then this, "ANTHONY, stop being an JACK-ASS! Put that ball away," in their thick New York accent. 

Well, that wasn't what I expected, but I'll take it. I love New Yorkers because even though they aren't from Philly, I feel like I get them and they get me.

"Goodnight!" I say as I slide the door shut. Brady's face was priceless. 

I'm so tired and tomorrow we head out to Montreal. I'm excited and curious what our days there will bring. I printed some French phrases for everyone to practice on the ride but, let's be honest, no one did.   

1 comment

  • Looks like you are having a great time!! Enjoy❤️

    Sue Roman

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