Be the lighthouse.

Psychic Help For Solving Our Own Mysteries

One time when I was selling my products at an expo, I was begging in my heart to have the vendor next to me be a psychic or a writer. When Jan set up her booth, I learned that she was both!

Over the course of 3 days I chatted with my new neighbor and we have been friends ever since. 

Jan is an experienced psychic and shared with me the story of how she knew of her talents from a young age. She has written a beautiful book, Carriers of Genius, which I gave to my mom as a gift.

Jan has even used her talents to help investigate criminal homicides. 

During this time when we are all at home, this is an exceptional way to support a local (Pennsylvania) small business without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Jan's desire is that people feel better when they are done working with her, leaving them with hope, understanding and direction. "It's hard to solve our own mysteries," she says. But, I can personally say she has helped me do exactly that. 

I have received readings from Jan and they were comforting and accurate. Just over a year ago I contacted her for guidance on the possibility of our family moving. I was reluctant to move but also knew that it was the next step for my family. Jan helped me see that, among other things. 

To book a phone or email session with Jan, click here

I've loved my email readings because I print them out and highlight them and don't have to worry about taking notes on the call. 

Oh, and she's funny! I love a good laugh and I think that's why we became friends within seconds - her humor. She has these entertaining and informative YouTube videos called Psychic Shortcuts. They help you get a peek into what it's like to be psychic and maybe some tips if you are working on cultivating your intuition (as I always am). 

I'm elated to recommend my friend, Jan, for anyone interested in a psychic reading. Feel free to email me or comment below with any questions you may have. : )


Marjorie Sarah



Photo by Bruce Hong on Unsplash

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