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Parenting As a Lighthouse

“If there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves.”
-C.G. Jung


They all say it goes so fast, how was I supposed to understand what that meant?

I blinked my eyes and the child who made us parents is off to middle school - the land of the unknown for both him and us. 

The outside forces that overlap with daily life have been exponentially increasing. "Facts" stated may have been consumed by a classmate, YouTube, a teacher, the news, a teammate or a friend's neighbor's uncle.

Curiosity about the source comes easy, conversation flows. But how do I challenge a growing mind, one that has tentacles in all sorts of new interests and endeavors and still let them know I have their back? That I'm not just being an annoying, probing, investigative detective of a parent?

The on-the-job training of parenting never ends. That is what I loathe and love most about the role. It pushes me daily to find my footing on shaky soil so that I can support the seedlings I love so dearly. 

I've officially reached uncool status as a parent and I'm settling in. Learning about normal brain development at each stage of the game reminds me that my children are not trying to offend me when they act so very on par for their age. They are simply exactly where they belong. 

Many sources explain how vital friends are to our growing teens and tweens. I'm finding the same for myself! Leaning on my partnership and friendships as I learn to be the lighthouse through the inevitable storms of guiding my growing people to the shoreline of their souls. 

Bring snacks. And an umbrella!

Shine on, my fellow lighthouses. 



p.s. Want to learn more about my Parenting + Astrology Workshop? You can do so here. I'd love to hear from you about brining it to your studio, workspace or home for a unique gathering. 

If you are curious about family astrology readings, you can learn more here. : )-



Photo Credit: Photo by nick jenkins on Unsplash


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