Be the lighthouse.

Human Connection, Visual Journaling + Travel

Craftcation 2023 Astrology Workshop

 Conference Registration was delightful on the eyes!

To me, life is about interdependence and the beauty of "we."

When I used to work in conventions, I remember the debate between meeting online vs. in-person gaining momentum.

Physically sharing space with people is a remarkably profound experience. That's partly why I chose to work in events and why I plan them now as an astrologer. (I also adore online learning but something about planning gathering really lights me up! Chart Ruler Venus in the 11th of Leo anyone???)

It is through the tug of war between self and other where I learn the most. What others reflect back onto me helps me see myself in new ways. For better or worse.

Kerry Burki Craftcation Marriott Ventura
Me and my craftcation bestie, Kerry Burki!
We met last year and instantly connected. She has an intuitive coaching course for mom's and literally wrote the book on tending to your vibration...check her out

This and many other reasons are why I love to attend in-person events, conferences, workshops, classes, retreats, parties, get it. It's also why for the second consecutive April I found my way across the country in Ventura, CA.

Last year, I was an attendee on a solo adventure. This year, a presenter with my whole family in tow. 

My family Ventura Beach

The two sessions of the Astrology For Creatives Workshop that I taught were enjoyable and rewarding. Challenging yet energizing. 

Will I convey my passion for the birth chart?

Will the material resonate?

How can I connect with the whole group while keeping everyone engaged? 

And why did Mercury have to go retrograde the first day of my session?! (Yes there were technical difficulties.)  

Marjorie Cottrell Astrology Workshop at Craftcation

Honored to be presenting alongside so many creatives at craftcation 2023!

I found my way into a Visual Journaling class unexpectedly. As someone who prefers to work with words, my journals contain handwriting and not sketches. Maybe a doodle or two but nothing I'd show anyone. 

Dawline-Jane Oni-Eseleh led the class and started with sharing her personal sketchbook filled with images that represent her life in different ways.

A sketch of her living room from the pandemic where she spent much of her time. A sketch of her beautiful braids that she learned to do on herself - making us all giggle that they were her "pandemic sourdough bread." 

She showed us how the images can capture the memories and evoke such vivid detail when we see our beautiful visual journal entries. I was intimidated when we had one hour (one HOUR!) to draw something. 

Encouraged to use an image from our phone to draw, I found my favorite. Last year when I arrived in California for the first time, I remember looking out the window of my hotel in awe. 

This time, I took a picture of my kids looking out the same window. It made me smile and think that I was so happy to share this place with them. So I drew that.


Craftcation Ventura Marriott California

Traveling usually has me taking notes. I like to jot down a few words each day so I have a funny nonsensical list of memories, songs and sayings that makes me laugh for years to come. 

Yoga on the Beach Ventura
Yoga on the beach taught by Kerry Burki.
Meadow came to beach yoga on the second day. One of my favorite memories.
Photo credit: Kerry Burki

This time I intended to take on a role of active observer. To drink the trip in through being curious and open. And through my new visual journal.

Bart's Books Ojai California
We found our way to Ojai, CA and made it to Bart's Books, an outdoor bookstore. WOW! My friend and colleague of all things mystical, Kerry Burki, recommended it! 

Breaking the daily routine of family shuffle, chores, work, laundry, cooking helps me pull back from the pattern of spinning in overwhelm. I get stuck at most choice points.

Should I pay the bills or do the laundry? Should I work on marketing or research?

Should I tend to the car maintenance light or clean out the basement? Should I write on this topic or that topic today? 

Always wondering where to direct my attention is where I get stuck. Daily.

Shifting my routine and pulling back to widen my view always helps. But it's scary to hang back and know all that is not being done.

Lunar Clay class with Kerry Burki
One of my favorite workshops was the Lunar Clay Wall Hanging class taught also by Kerry Burki. She led us in a beautiful new moon meditation and then we crafted a lunar phase clay hanging decoration. 

Trusting the process somehow feels easier with time away. Perspective has shifted. I can flow a bit more. 

My mom always reminds me of her grandmother's wisdom, "It's fun to travel but it's always nice to come back home."

Once again, mom was right. 



PS - head to my homepage and subscribe to my newsletter if you want to be entered in May's book giveaway!

I do not send many emails and I periodically thank my subscribers with prizes and books.


Here are some more memories from the conference/adventure trip with the fam!


Craftcation Selfie Marjorie Astrology for Creatives
Craftcation selfie at the "wall" out front of the Marriott
Art Inspiration
Art inspo - loved this!
Astrology Workshop for Creatives
Just before Astrology for Creatives (session 1)!
Astrology Workshop for Creatives Craftcation
Action shot!
Photo credit: Kerry Burki
VRBO Lunar Clay New Moon
Our vrbo, The Merry Mermaid! It was a DREAM!
And these are my clay moons I made.

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